Wednesday, 8 January 2025


the gods conceal from men
the happiness of death
that they may endure life

 (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39 – 65 CE)

T H E  A S C E N T
volume up, 1080p

a requiem for a dream
optimized for night vision
optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
from the album THREE LIVES
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

mozart - requiem (lacrimosa)
arranged by yevgeniy nikitenko
additional footage from the film 'afterlife'
by ishu patel
courtesy of the national film board of canada

read more of Jim's blog posts here 
scroll down

listen to the album ONE LIFE 

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>

see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>


Monday, 6 January 2025


the sun is gone, the moon is high
secrets of the night arrive

I N  T H E  S N O 2 5
january 2025 sound up - 1080p

optimized for night vision
sound up, 1080p

a jim lamarche remix
from the album THREE LIVES
assembled in logic audio and final cut

featuring the roland system 8

source music w/alex likhachev


see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>

see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 

project credits/contributors listed below
listen to the youtube album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made



Tuesday, 31 December 2024


There’s nothing new going on here. 
Character assassination has always had a certain appeal.


Burn Baby Burn

The smear has been around for a long, long time. First, you find someone you don't like, then you smear them and throw gasoline on them, splashing it around like it’s important before lighting the match and watching them burn. Those relevant will be on board; those not don’t matter anyway. A great way to make new friends who are loyal and unforgiving, sharing our animosity and judgements like hot dogs, burgers and beers at the summer barbecue laughing at them because it’s fun. Allies in a just cause. Fucking Liberals. Fuck Trudeau! (pass it on).

Male bonding whether you’re a man or a woman. Stand by your man. Make America Great Again. Make Canada Great Again - Bring it Home to papa. Cheers! Proponents of the smear are often media figures like Jordan Peterson or Tucker Carlson, who jump on the bandwagon/wave knowing they'll benefit from the traction, fanning the flames in a souring scowl that rips them to shreds while watching their social media blow up. An interior, perhaps cerebral introspection lasting several seconds. Na ... I swing both ways ;). To fully participate in the smear you need to be just pre-adolescent emotionally. I'd say 8 1/2 going on 9. Translation? just stoopid.


The resentment is a bi-product of our bi-polar mortality and the smear is fallout. Wanting political figures have learned early on that it is so much easier to gain power when they stoke reaction & resentment towards those running the show (and those they represent).
Anger sells. Unfortunately for them, it rarely pans out. A flash in the pan that comes and goes after people realize that it's just posturing with no real substance. Still worth the jab. Look ...

Everything that’s wrong is over there. Zero accountability - zero responsibility. Easy peasy. A slam-dunk bona fide killer. Nasty because it needs to be AND works every time because the masses need a scapegoat; someone to blame. I mean why use an environmentally friendly pest control solution when you can use real poison? It's a process of retaliation then elimination. Plus - it feels good.  Rage has its benefits. Endorphins kick in. A side order of testosterone and a big blast of oxygen from all that huffing & puffing, all brought on by those you despise. Short term gain, long term pain. Bring it ON! Ok, the stress may eventually give you a heart attack but the satisfaction will linger, long after you’re dead and gone.

The Punishment: Tough Love

I’m sure humans in history felt so much better after stoning someone, watching the insidious adversary get crushed by our rising underling, wrestling, boxing - any sport for that matter. The patriot vs. the traitor. Good vs. evil. Right vs. wrong … blue vs. red. That said, I feel a haunting emptiness, especially now (cue Pachabel's Canon - deutsche grammophon - Vienna Symphony 1998). Being in the middle is a lonely place to be, in a world where you have to be one or the other. I mean, if it’s not black it has to be white right? If you’re not a Conservative then you MUST be Liberal and vice versa. Both really love to pull the lever … not one of us? Then you gotta be one of THEM.

Remember Dad servicing you with a proper strapping when you were 5, saying something like 'I'm doing this for your own good'?  Kinda like that. All I ever learned by being smacked around was how to resent. So ya, I’m a moderate with issues. On the political spectrum, I would be considered center leaning left. That said, most Cons see me as FAR left just because I’m ‘leaning’ that way. Nope. Turns out there are some like me who see the flaws on both sides. I have almost as many problems with the left as I do with the right. Justin Trudeau’s time is up after having made so many colossal blunders. WHAT? Ok, just a frikkin' minute. Give me a few seconds to absorb that. You said what?? 

My Conservative friends aren’t sure what to make of me when I agree with them. A silence in confusion. 
But I thought you were … Jesus man. Pick a side for christ's sakes. Hilarious.  Ok. Let me clarify ... Trudeau's blunders have been blown way out of proportion by the smear. 

Sunny Ways: The Wokey Pokey

Note to pompous 'protagonists'; I really don't need to be told to be careful around making references towards nationalities, using a colour in a sentence, when and when NOT to wish someone Merry Christmas or that it's offensive to be gender specific when the situation demands a variation. I am respectful of all people. Being dictated to is offensive to me.

I don't require being reminded or told 'how' to properly appreciate others.

I find woke culture’s need to make their point by sticking it in your eye as offensive as the trucker convoy in Ottawa 3 years ago. Fighting for their right to ‘protest’ when in reality it was all just a lame excuse to burn the barn down, in the name of ‘freedom’. No, it was never about vaccine mandates but about righteous entitlement. That all too familiar ‘fuck you’ to the liberal elites who think they’re better than we are. All about taking our country back and not taking any more bullshit. The mandate nonsense was just a red herring - hapless hypocrisy.

That said, if I had to choose between accepting people for who they are instead of who I want them to be? I'll choose the former. In my humble opinion, in this final chapter of my life now, I honestly think that Liberals in general are far more tolerant and open-minded around our differences; more willing to compromise (despite their strict rules around language). 

e are now in a minority of those who think that way.

Also entertaining and amusing for me is that so many Canadian Conservatives disapprove of Trump yet approve of Poilievre when in reality, they’re basically one in the same ideologically. Welcome to the con. No, Justin Trudeau’s biggest downfall is just one big smear campaign. From his patterned socks, to blackface, to his infamous ‘sunny ways’, it’s all very calculated and thought out, just like it was in the United States … AND it worked! Hook, line & sinker, the classic snow job designed to take down a flawed political ideology in favour of the right one.


What most Americans and Canadians still don’t see is that it’s just that. A con that won’t be obvious for several more years after the shit really hits the fan and this new breed of imposters are seen for who they really are. Frauds. In the meantime, the smear has its place in the grand scheme of things. In our upcoming ‘carbon tax election’ so few are actually getting that there is a much bigger picture lurking under the surface. I mean c'mon; carbon tax election? Pathetic. I can promise you this ... in 10 years, even our most loyal Conservative Canadians will look back on the Justin Trudeau years and say that he wasn't so bad after all. 

Out of sight, out of mind and what you don't know won't hurt you ... yet.


Monday, 30 December 2024


there is lamb's wool
under my naked feet


volume up . 1080p

story behind the remix

I always saw spiders, listening to this in the late 70's  
the lamb had these moments - crystal clear 
under electro-static headphones

when I found this '99 remake on YouTube recently
I almost collapsed - stunned
and all so under the radar

a new take on understanding
the importance of our place  
in the food chain

right, so gabriel & collins go back into the studio
w/producer trevor horn to redo it?

anyway, I snagged a high res MP4
and remixed it - cutting half out, re-automating EQ/levels 
adding synths/voices - total blast 
with ah ya


optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

source music by peter gabriel, tony banks, mike rutherford, 
steve hackett & phil collins

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

see the TEMPLE REDUX album/page here >>>

see the SPEARMINT LAKE album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 


volume up . 1080p

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made

COMING SOON: The Smear: The Rise & Fall of Justin Trudeau.



Saturday, 21 December 2024


The end of an era and the beginning of a new one.

“How do men act on a sinking ship? Do they hold each other? Do they pass around the whisky? Do they cry?”

Sebastian Junger, The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea

The Presumption: Snatch & Grab

It would be presumptuous to think that 2025 will be just another year. All indicators are pointing to massive changes unlike anything we have seen before.

Super powers will be vying to take claim of territories that up till now have maintained decades, even centuries of independent sovereignty. Land grabs, country confiscations and takeovers will proliferate in that which was and will be forever changed.

Democratic socialism as a practiced system will be phased out in favour of autocratic rule worldwide. Freedom AND free speech will become selective, favouring those loyal to their leaders and excluding those not conforming, even embracing the preferred ideology. Environmental initiatives will slowly grind to a halt in favour of a short term gain, long term pain global acquisition agenda always looking over it’s shoulder. We will see the birth of a new breed of trillionaire who will control economies & governments, shifting cultures to adapt. 

Players like Elon Musk will continue to buy their way into government in exchange for perks/kick-backs and party favours in a military industrial complex on steroids becoming several times larger. Defence contracts, billions to trillions with lots of adolescent head banging, infighting, internal conflict in a slow dismantling of government whilst the masses stew in a complacency/compliance cocktail of crony capitalism gone awry. Perpetually pissed.

All this because that’s what America VOTED FOR!

Axe the Tax: Russian Roulette

Now. That said, I am consistently reminded that I'm an alarmist by friends who think I’m just a few fries short of a happy meal and maybe they’re right. When Pierre Poilievre becomes our Prime Minister maybe everything will in fact get better … inflation will drop back to normal levels, climate will just take care of itself, our dollar will climb back up, smart investors will get rich on bitcoin and our overall standard of living will return to what it once was.

Most importantly? The frikkin' carbon tax will be long gone!


Maybe our public healthcare system will make a full recovery and Canadians will celebrate their wise choice to eject a narcissist Trudeau in favour of a new breed of politician who REALLY cares (like the Americans just did) ... OR it could all go to total shit AND Poilievre will blame our previous government for the mess we're in, throwing all of his camouflaged mistakes in there while consistently caving to a tireless tyrant south of the border insisting he continue to bend over. Na. I’m the alarmist. Remember? Hey Jimbo, get with the program. 

Mountain out of a molehill dude.

For me the writing is on the wall. Conspiracy theorist? Nope, just a REALIST. I’m thinking Ukraine will fall to Russia this year before they take eastern Europe and eventually Finland, Sweden & Norway. The U.S. will be making serious moves on Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Cuba (in exchange for Ukraine) and the Virgin Islands (Caribbean) because Trump wants a second Mar-a-Lago and world class golf course there that's HIS … China taking Taiwan, Bhutan, both Koreas, Vietnam, the Philippines and eventually Japan. Britain/UK and western Europe will be dangling by a thread in 5 years, shaking; looking up at the sky a lot and most places south of the equator will be the safest place to be. The further south, the better.

This is just the beginning. 

The Big Bone of Contention

The Arctic will become the most controversial hotbed for territorial disputes as global warming melts most of the ice and shipping lanes open up. Strategic airspace will become a priority for Russia in the north; the U.S. AND China which will create huge tensions for who controls what. NATO will slowly disintegrate and global organizations like WEF & NGO will splinter before dissolving in 3-5 years. Globalism will wane in favour of Nationalism as cultural & religious discrimination (and terrorism) skyrockets in our reinvented draconian new world order. 

It would be presumptuous to think that 2025 will be just another year. All indicators are pointing to massive changes unlike anything we have seen before.


It might be a good time to think about moving to South America, Australia or even better - New Zealand if you’re still young. Me? Na - a bit late for that. The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic representation of how close humanity is to a human-made global catastrophe. 

Dateline January 2025. They're saying it is now 90 seconds to midnight. 
Tick tock.
It's 11 o'clock. Do you know where your children are?


Thursday, 19 December 2024


finally, the water level topped off
leaving him with no more air to breathe
he drew his last breath and slipped down deep
into the darkness that claimed his soul 

wyatt michael

F L I G H T  R I S K

volume up . 1080p

departures & arrivals
both in the same building
at the same time

I really, really, really 
my fucking pills

a jim lamarche remix
from the album ONE LIFE
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the roland system 8

source music w/johannes hedberg & daniel vadestrid

visual - tame impala, let it happen
directed by david wilson

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

see the TEMPLE REDUX album/page here >>>

F L I G H T  R I S K
volume up . 1080p

a raglan manor production '24
DEC 2024

read more of Jim's blog posts here