Wednesday, 10 March 2021


it's this dream I keep having
dark drones

I get up, make hash tags of what I've just seen/heard
drop them into text-edit ... save
return to bed and envision them
slipping back into my slumber at 4am
smile, snow, wind ... the familiar echo
from a distant rail

maybe tomorrow I can plant them in youtube
and watch it grow

there's no knowing
what will happen

volume up, 720p

optimized for night vision

growing up, I had 2 dreams over & over again
tornados and trains

not sure why the thing with trains
a fascination that I didn't want to admit to
but am for the very first time

trains smell amazing
sound amazing
when I later rode on them I always loved it
peaceful, quiet ... reflective
the passing landscapes

people rolling along, from a departure to a destination
on a short path - going somewhere


the reason I love this one so much
is because it was effortless


a jim lamarche remix

from the album THREE LIVES
assembled in logic audio and final cut

featuring the roland system 8

source music: w/colby sixx

train footage by bababouy

courtesy nordland railway

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 

project credits/contributors listed below
listen to the youtube album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be created


Sunday, 28 February 2021


there's a hint of desperation in the air
not that I'd want to disturb anything

volume up, 720p

a jim lamarche remix
from the album ONE LIFE
assembled in logic audio and final cut

featuring the roland system 8

source music: shah

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>

see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 

project credits/contributors listed below
listen to the youtube album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)


Wednesday, 17 February 2021

RENDEZVOUS with destiny

I'll meet you at the same place
at the same time

just don't tell anyone

with destiny

a jim lamarche remix
from the album ONE LIFE
assembled in logic audio, photoshop and final cut

featuring the roland system 8

read more of Jim's blog posts here 
listen to the album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE



Tuesday, 19 January 2021


four and forty blackbirds, singing daydreams

volume up, 720p

old friends
the story behind the song

home - homeland
throw your worthless coins into my case

The title track from the album that was never released commercially.  Old Friends (the song) was recorded after I moved to Toronto in January 1980 after a 2 year hiatus from the studio. I was 23.  Acoustic ballads had no appeal to record companies back then, so it wasn't submitted as a possibility for my first album (later on) but I always liked it. No synths/samplers, computers or drum machines back in those days - just my guitars and now a recording studio at my disposal.  I barely slept in the 16 weeks that I was on that government grant.

I got into Kensington Sound, Toronto as an intern of sorts, through a program called OCAP which allowed me a short window to do something in the field in which I was educated.  Best part, is that I was given keys and security clearance, so I went in at night and spent several weeks playing with ideas on my own and this was the first song I recorded.



One thing that's really cool about being in a studio at 4 am, during yet another cold, late Canadian winter storm in Toronto recording voices when everyone else is asleep, stumbling home at 6 (sun rising) - for a noon callback - beyond that?  ... is that one comes up with ideas that would never have appeared if others were present - making it all more intimate. 

The high voices were recorded at half speed (15ips) on the 24 track analog recorder and then I put them through a Marshall Time Modulator (the vibrato effect), after bumping the speed back to 30ips.  This song was remastered in 2010 with Wave plug-ins and pulling it up recently, inspired to put some pictures to it in October 2015 - 35 years later.  

My best work has always been done in a relatively short period of time.  I wrote this song in a couple of hours before recording it that night in 6 hours (Feb 1980) and mixed it the following night in 2 hours.  This clip was assembled here in Final Cut on October 06, 2015 in 4 hours.  

A 12 hour project front to back.

Turns out I was hired on at Kensington Sound that April, where I continued as an engineer until that June before moving on to another studio ... Captain Audio in Yorkville, freelancing Eastern Sound then Amber Studios on Queen West.  


Friday, 15 January 2021


change your heart - look around you

"the only language men ever speak perfectly
is the one they learn to speak in babyhood
when no one can teach them anything"

Maria Montessori


algebra?  why?
there's gotta be a reason
to learn this shit
because this whole 'reward' vs 'punishment' crap
just isn't working and

I'm not a numbers guy

chaos and confusion envelopes us early on
and we are filled with 'ideas' that throw us off course
ensconced in the world's insipid ideologies
handed down first by our parents
then our teachers/schools 
employers and so on
and on we go 

quarter century later
gravitating to the big city
because that's where we need to be
to be "in the loop"
a place where we can BE

today's special
flavour of the week
employee of the month
pushing forward because
that's what you're supposed
to do

it's no wonder why 
we need to 'medicate' 
in a jar

ah - all those precious memories

back to the days when young students - boys mostly
were strapped for misbehaving (boner, I mean bonus)
for their unwillingness to 
be compliant

I need your lovin' ... like the sunshine

in an abstract absence of empathy and humility
deliriously distracted denizens

 harassing those who are independent thinkers
for being unwilling to learn 
how to play the game

it is a simple message
play by the rules and you'll be rewarded
question them and you'll be punished
plain and simple

truth is

we learn to 'adapt' to our surroundings
at an early age - reprimanded for rebelling
when in fact challenging the system 
is what all great thinkers did/do
to this day

only all too often many (most) of us are convinced 
early on that what we ultimately want
is something not possible

fear is instilled, then 
the waiting game begins

waiting for something better to come along
and release us from the cage
only it never does

accepting our fate, our chosen destiny
chosen by others - quietly coming to terms
with the crappy hand of cards we've been dealt because

that's just what you do
go ahead, have your way with me

I surrender

change your heart - look around you

I'm in heaven - I mean
ok, maybe I'll get lucky some day
maybe God will come down and give me a lap-dance
but only if I stick to the plan
and never question
the truth 

creature comforts
in the pleasure dome
glued to our sacred sacraments
in HD on our soiled screens


it's just a theory
that makes a lot more sense
to me 


as an artist/composer looking back
my favourite musical compositions are always
those created and conceived (and recorded) 
in a very short time-frame (minutes/hours)

thinking about it too much
just made it more elusive, distant
it's like it just arrives 
out of nowhere

with a simple invitation 

are those who see light in the darkness and quickly harness it
instead of ignoring the signs and signals

embracing them
turning nothing into something

change your heart
it will astound you 

if you care for your children
keep their environment uncluttered
free of useless gadgets and distractions
keep your conversation honest and straight-forward
free of control and manipulation
free of hidden agendas
free of fear

keeping one's decisions fair and generous
free of punishment and shame

and (most importantly) - free of blame

because fundamentally
we are all guilty 

of nothing

dedicated to Maria Montessori (1870-1952) 

Thursday, 19 November 2020


lockdown 2 here

it's been a good run
after lockdown 1 (March-June)
obsessed w/my new muse
doing a/v (youtube) remixes/uploading
daily cold swims - total blast - fun
3 albums - done

getting old - fuck
can't run anymore
my swims gone now

U N  L O L A  R U N

fog rolling in again - darker every day
this time - giving me
the shivers

time to rest & reflect
it's going to be a long, cold & lonely winter
in Toronto

goodnight beauties

R U N  L O L A  R U N
volume up

every second of every day
you make a choice, that can change
your life

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

run lola run (1998)
x-filme creative pool
directed by: tom tykwer

source music: guillaume gonzales

 read more of Jim's blog posts here 

listen to the album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)

it's this 90's euro-thriller flick I just watched again
soo good

they frikkin' nailed it
I so enjoyed remixing this one
total blast

ok, it was her
she hooked
me in

her face

see the TEMPLE REDUX album/page here >>>

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>

see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>