Sunday, 16 April 2023


ok WTF

I thought we had something

going on here :(

w/motion carried 23 

volume up . 720p

a parting thought production
optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
from the album TWO LIVES
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

source music w/oleg byonic

M O T I O N  C A R R I E D  2 3 

volume up . 720p

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
assembled in logic audio and final cut

music by pat metheny & anna maria jopek
from the 2002 album, upojenie
'are you going with me'

Choreography: Hannah Rose Macaulay 
Filming: Mitch Mey 
Venue: The Space Dance Centre, Melbourne
 Dancers: Indigo Hunt, Courtney Lowe, Josephine Lopes, Rachael Peters, Donnie Dimase, Miranda D'Unienville, Teagan Friend, Laura Hunt, Shannon Turner

see/hear the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see/hear the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see/hear the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 



Saturday, 15 April 2023


his voice was hypnotic
I mean, he could just tell me what to do
and I would do it

it's a remix
of a remix

S H W  T R T H S  2 2
volume up - 720p

optimized for night vision


SHADOW TRUTHS: the short story

both remixes, ONE LIFE & SHADOW TRUTHS were my two lead tracks
on the first draft of One Life in early 2019
anchors of sorts - setting the tone
ya, gloomy

ah, the human condition
what do you say we just skip that part
so depressing

as the album grew/changed, they became too dark
when more optimism was surfacing
so I pulled them both in early 2021
to make room for more light

3 years later a look/listen and new remixes
lil nip & tuck, a little silver spray, charcoal smudge
and a crisper re-bake, both now morphed w/2 tracks
from my temple redux CD in logic
same visuals in final cut

viewer discretion is advised
they're still dark, but perhaps
worth watching

JL 29.11.22

O N E  L I F E  2 2
volume up - 720p

boys will be boys
it's all in the conquest 

it's a remix of a remix

source music w/aljosha konstanty, alun davies, ron allan 
feat. alla kadysh

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made



Wednesday, 15 March 2023


to have faith 
is to trust yourself in the water 
when you swim 
you don't grab hold of the water
because if you do 
you will sink and drown
instead you relax 
and float

alan watts

volume up, 720p

show me my future
filled with hopes & dreams 

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix

from the album THREE LIVES
assembled in logic audio and final cut

featuring the roland system 8

source music w/michael FK

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>


project credits/contributors/links listed below
listen to the youtube album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made

read more of Jim's blog posts here 


Tuesday, 14 March 2023


I have no idea what I'm doing

volume up/720p

beautiful people w/great style
I still get hooked 

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
from the album TWO LIVES

Beacon is Thomas Mallarney & Jacob Gossette
in Brooklyn NY

assembled in logic audio & final cut

featuring the roland system 8

read more of Jim's blog posts here 
see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>

see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>


Monday, 13 March 2023


it's in my - chiado
charles alexander eastman (Ohiyesa)

N A T I V E  T O N G U E  2 3
volume up, 720p

(story below)

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix

from the album TEMPLE REDUX
assembled in logic audio and final cut

featuring the roland system 8

source music w/ben woods, aljosha konstanty & vincent camacho

native tongue: story
june 16, 2021

Canadian winters aren't in themselves

I've been disconnected from my lifeline
you see, having been a daily swimmer
for decades I've been in a downward spiral in that
an absence of cool moisture brings too 
an absence of sanity
and hope

those who don't swim
rarely get it - let's say it's
a turbulent purge after 4 months in lockdown purgatory, toronto
having had little inspiration to do anything but fish for bits
I had all the pieces of this puzzle roughly in order
before plunging into cold water and returning
to this new place just 3 hours ago
after no swims for months

finishing it 

but first today, a frigid 60 lengths at Alex Duff pool
guessing 18C (64F) - yes cold - amazing!
an effortless assembly unfolding 
in my little studio here in north high park
like dominos falling
finishing & mounting is my
favourite thing to do

welcome back

I'm gonna sleep 
like a baby

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 


project credits/contributors/links listed below
listen to the youtube album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made
