Wednesday, 6 November 2024


'When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, whatever you want. You can grab 'em by the pussy'.

I always wanted to be a rock star, you can have everything ... blow, hot babes just want you, you know. I mean, the music really doesn't matter. It's really about the perks. The endless buffet of pussy all right at your fingertips just waiting and wanting to get pounded.

And I’m hovering like a fly, waiting for the windshield on the freeway.

Make no mistake. We are entering into an extremely dark time in human history. 2025 will be the year it all started.

Follow the Money

The media will placate, exasperate and fornicate but it’s all rather said and done regardless. Avoidable? Oh definitely. Like moths to a flame, America just flew right into their own World Trade Center and are suddenly dumbfounded. A resentment reaction.

Millions now thinking ‘what did we just do’? Having no idea of the ramifications because in that moment? It didn’t matter. 
Right. Are we suicidal? I’ve been shining the spotlight on that one since 2016. Not a whole lot of interest in that theory. My thinking? The masses know/knew where this was all going and allowed it to happen anyway. All of a sudden …


Now - it matters? Good one. Well then … just sit back and watch the parade … you wanted to make life more just, affordable? Cleaning up this mess we’re in for the better? Purging freeloader immigrants & gender benders in a dark, dubious deliberation? Right. You wanted ringside seats at the circus? Well, ladies and gentlemen … put your hands together, for the best show ever! Look, There’s Howard Hughes in blue suede shoes, smiling at the majorettes smoking Winston cigarettes.

WWF, Rock-em Sock-em Robots, Jerry Springer - trans stripper Sally spotlight - 24/7 casinos, classic rock bar and free wi-fi. I promised you heaven yes? Enjoy and don’t forget your crappy swag purchased with the credit card we now have on file. UP TO 50% off TODAY ONLY.

‘I don’t care about you - I just want your vote.
Donald Trump - Las Vegas rally - June 12, 2024

Well now, approaching 3 months post election; let’s just do a quick inventory shall we? We are poised to see a massive rate of inflation like we’ve never seen before in BOTH Canada and the U.S. economic and geographic tension, with big land grabs/annexations planned and a whole new map of the world in tow. Even his people are like WTF! Ok like ya dude. We wanted change but, but … can I take my vote back? Please? Relax.


Your re-elected President has 4 more years to wreak proper havoc now, fix the judicial/electoral system to serve HIM - AND take over a large swath of the western hemisphere and maybe even more further east. Am I scared? Fuck na. Saw it coming a mile away. Big money grab in progress folks. A crime of the century con and all in plain view. We’re watching - even a nice little thumbs up. Na - no worries. Your social security? Locked in. No worries really. Yer good dude. Manly hug. Watch and learn.

With all this new money from tariffs, deportations, annexations and the elimination of essential services, you’ll have way better. This format for communication? Possibly compromised in a year or two but … whatever right? Pay attention and you’re good. Yer IN! Meaning to say … freedom from the radical left will take time. A new dawn on a new day is right around your corner. Trust me. We have endured repression before. Your disagreement is important. Every life is important … right up until it is born AND … has the right skin colour. Did I say ’no worries’? Right. No Worries. Bro. Your social security is solid. 

Pass the bong and check that ass.


In the beginning, the predator was an animal, that preyed on other animals to survive. For food. Today’s predator wears $10K Brioni suits, has a $100M yacht, detail/chauffeur, pilot, assistants/staff and preys on other humans, for profit. I’m thinking the survival predator vs. the greed predator makes for an interesting narrative (remix/blog). A sign of the times; especially fascinating in that most of us are complicit, compliant and comatose. A worthy wordplay.  Remember Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf? Kinda like that. Hiding, watching, lurking before a pleasant introduction seduction.

So now we’re looking at hundreds of thousands of new young Americans recruits into the military - for him. It’s all on the table. Money on tap for Gaza to clear/remove/excavate our supreme leader’s new real estate empire. Dozens of new Mar-a-lagos, Trump towers, money sucking casinos, strip clubs, hotels and golf courses, open to everyone (with cash)! Yay! Oh, and loyalty will be rewarded, of course. Billionaire donors may be allowed one tower each so as to expand their holdings/business interests in the middle east but we’ll talk about that later. For now? Let’s just keep our eye on the prize. MY prize. Bend over _ yer gonna like this.

Oh, did I mention your social security?


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