Tuesday, 8 October 2024


It’s a ‘what you don’t know won’t hurt you’ game plan
with a good dose of shame and blame 
in a recycled modus operandi
and all designed to
divide and conquer

Dateline July 1996 (Woodslee Ontario, near Windsor)

My Dad would have loved Trump.  Stoic, stubborn - ‘knows everything’ kinda guy w/a touch of torment, hatred of women and a penchant for payback.  Sound familiar?  The BIG man and a BIG deal ... expensive suit, drives a BIG car and has a hot trophy wife (ok, you get it). 


I mean ok (story is), he got right royally fucked over and so now they need to suffer (yawn) … listening still.  It’s frikkin’ brutal.  Rambling on about faggots on food stamps then about street blacks in Detroit getting what they deserve, (intoxicated at 2pm).  Long awkward pause.  "So Dad, just how is it that they deserve being dominated and oppressed"? 

Listening to that pin drop in slow motion. 

Even longer pause and that recurring look of death.  Yikes!  I'm in trouble now.  I learned everything about the term "bleeding heart liberal"  that day, and then there was no room for continued discussion on that subject. Dad's resentment was in his DNA and it was like he always had a dark cloud of hopelessness following him around that was created by someone else. Always the victim, fucked over by him, her ... THEM!

"You disgust me" - I remember that. I often wonder what some of Donald's early conversations were like with Father Fred. That warm, thoughtful Dad who loved him unconditionally. 


The term 'deer in the headlights' comes to mind. That wide eyed innocence right before the splat ... and I'm hovering like a fly, waiting for the windshield on the freeway. Mom was that fly. Falling in love with another man because your husband is 'allegedly' abusive in Woodstock Ontario in 1966 is a no brainer custody court loss in a small town with patriarchal puritan values and a shunned man on a mission and access to (legal) weapons of mass destruction. 

I guess my point being; toxic masculinity has been around for a long time. Long before Ronald McDonald - Humpty Trumpty showed up and dumped fuel on the flames. That said, Dad grew up during the great depression, then WW2 and his Dad regularly beat him as a kid (and yet Dad chose not to beat me). The human condition is fragile and progress is incremental. 

Maybe I'd be no different if it had been me.

Fallout? It's to be expected. Tough love. It's how we learn.

The Division Bell

We had grown apart and his will to live was being compromised.  In disrepair.  He didn’t care (never did), a hint of suicide in the air (but would never/looks weak).  Perhaps even contemplating how much damage he can do first.  I remained distant. I had absolutely no idea what to do ... as lost as he was.  His resentment; my legacy. Oh. Speaking of ...

Certain 'traditions'? Must continue. Resistance is futile.

Tapping into people's rage is an easy game changer, requiring very little work/effort w/the most to gain (politically). This is why it's so popular to the Populists.

It just works.

RULE #1. Deny & deflect.

Right. So just in case you didn't get the memo.  What’s real is no longer important because everything you see is fake news anyway, so fuck it.  IF we all get blown to smithereens?  At least I will have had the opportunity to make my point.  It's all about the collective.  It's about what's right.  It's about making the necessary sacrifices. This rant mirrors his. What's going on here? Not important. Look (pointing) ... all of our problems? ... are right over there!

'You're fired!' (God, that feels good).

It's chasing brown people out the back door, while crusty old white guys slip through the front (in broad daylight) and clean the living room out.

Drain The Swamp - Harbouring the Hypocrisy

Who knew that it could be so simple, so easy? It was originally about vowing/promising to take on the 'elite power structure' in Washington (ie. Wall Street, The Clintons/Corporate Lobbyists etc.).  Then it quietly shifted to 'draining the swamp'; away from the power grid and towards removing/deporting those who supposedly threaten our livelihoods/freedom (specifically immigrants) and no-one even flinched or questioned the switch.  Hey. Forget about that - look at THIS!  Yet more tax breaks for the rich while gutting healthcare, education & essential social programs. A crime of the century scam, flawlessly executed and all in plain sight. The real irony? Most of those lower in the food chain endorse it (even though it hurts them). 

Now, it should be noted that lies and deceptions are universal. They're everywhere and are not limited to one ideology or political affiliation. That said, millions of people take a great deal of comfort in knowing they are being lied to, by someone they can trust.

Hook, line & sinker - welcome to the con.

It's chasing brown people out the back door, while crusty old white guys slip through the front (in broad daylight) and clean the living room out.  It's about Kanye West visiting the Oval Office (dozens of reporters) and in an incoherent rant saying "when we make everything in China and not in America, we're cheating our country" while Trump listens, smiles and nods his head. The Trump Collection (fashion suits, shirts, ties & accessories) are all made in China.  

They know he's a sexual predator who wants to throw anyone in jail who challenges him. They know he lies. They know he had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home pregnant. They know he is a convicted felon who has broken the law hundreds of times. They know his products are made in China and they know he colluded with the Russians. They KNOW that he isn't Christian and fundamentally doesn't give a fuck about them ...



You just wait till your FATHER gets home young man!

The Father, The Son & the Holy Ghost (succumbing to the official narrative) ...

Quite simply put; punishment comes with the territory and sometimes it's necessary (so I'm told). Collateral damage? Whatever. It's just easier to point & shoot first, then ask questions later. Take me back to my Father's values, and to his Father's before that. Make America Great Again. I get it. They took away your freedom and now you want it back. Duly noted.

And so, a new President (and most powerful man in the world) has turned the world into an episode of Jerry Springer; you know the one where 2 women tear each other to shreds while the crowd cheers on “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry” all laughing and loving the shit-show!  What’s important here is that I get what I need (and you don’t).  

That’s what I mean by entitlement.  

RULE #2 - BLAME. Problems? Blame them.

It's like the kid next door visiting, wanting to play with your toy (even though you're not) but you don't let him (because it's yours). Snickering when extending your leg just enough to trip the class idiot walking by in the cafeteria, his lunch tray crashing to the floor. Hilarious. It’s all about learning how to get away with shit without getting caught.

I’m troubled by all this and yet I’m optimistic.  History has taught me that greed and narcissism is (generally) short-lived and when it gets right down to push & shove vs. humility, humans deliver regardless of what side of the fence you’re on; looking at the big picture.  Right, idealist libtard. I'm ok w/that.

Ok. The woke movement IS insidious. That said, I would much rather be awake, than asleep.

Empathy & Humility

If someone else is in trouble, our first instinct is to help them regardless of the circumstances and that most of what’s going on is just an act, designed to attract attention.  This is what needs to be remembered first and foremost, what we have in common (what we share). 

That's what makes us not a Democrat or Republican - Liberal or Conservative thinker, but a human being.  Wait. 
What's so funny?

The Suicide Collective

They say that 9/10 attempted suicides are just a cry for attention (cry for help) and maybe that’s what all this is about, only the 'powers that be' care even less now.  

Commoners are still being shafted by the elite/wealthy (the owners) in America only in all their blind faith (in voting for Donald Trump), they just jumped out of a frying pan and into the fire. 

Hurts so good tho.

for G.J. (Jim) LaMarche - 1925-2002


a jim lamarche remix
Fear N Loathing House Sessions/17
assembled in logic audio and final cut

a raglan manor production
updated august '24

. . .

email: jimlamarche@sympatico.ca

see/hear the ONE LIFE page here

project credits/contributors/links listed below
listen to the youtube album ONE LIFE  >>>  HERE
(play all)

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made

Monday, 7 October 2024


children are the hands by which 
we take hold of heaven 

henry ward beecher

S A V I N G  UA  R I O T
THREE LIVES - Oct. '24

volume up . 1080p

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
from the album THREE LIVES
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

source music w/trewin howard 

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

see the TEMPLE REDUX album/page here >>>

see the SPEARMINT LAKE album/page here >>>

A V I N G  U S  A  R I O T
THREE LIVES - Oct. '24

volume up . 1080p

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made

read more of Jim's blog posts here 


Sunday, 6 October 2024


dark in the skies, hint of the sun
follow the sound beneath me
silently making your way
back home

volume up . 1080p

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

archival footage from an american depression
by sylvain desmille

source music: ben salisbury & suvi-eeva äikäs


see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

see the TEMPLE REDUX album/page here >>>

read more of Jim's blog posts here 

a raglan manor production
march '24

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made


Friday, 4 October 2024


power is in tearing human minds to pieces 
and putting them together again 
in new shapes of your own choosing

George Orwell

dictators generally, don't get along

'the most dystopian vids I've ever seen'
Carolynn Mathisen - YouTube

'a harrowing glimpse into our future,
visceral & disturbing'
Edward Melfi - YouTube

'I have a whole new appreciation 
of the here and now after watching
these videos'
Peter James Vogel - YouTube


D Y S T O P I A N  2 1 2 5

volume up . 1080p

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
from the album TEMPLE REDUX
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

source music w/nick klimenko

visuals - generative artificial intelligence
midjourney v61, runway gen-3

read more of Jim's blog posts here 

scroll down

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>

see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

with continued inspiration from The Lincoln Project

Y S T O P I A N  2 1 2 5

volume up . 1080p

a raglan manor production
september '24

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made





Thursday, 3 October 2024


you know you're in love when you can't fall asleep 
because reality is finally better than your dreams

Dr. Seuss

A  G O O D  T H I N G
TWO LIVES - Oct. '24

volume up . 1080p

optimized for night vision

a jim lamarche remix
from the album TWO LIVES
assembled in photoshop, logic audio & final cut

featuring the Roland System 8

source music w/ben böhmer

visual - phoria (red)
directed by trewin howard, heb hardwick & thom novi

see the ONE LIFE album/page here >>>

see the new TWO LIVES album/page here >>>
see the new THREE LIVES album/page here >>>

see the TEMPLE REDUX album/page here >>>

see the SPEARMINT LAKE album/page here >>>

A  G O O D  T H I N G
TWO LIVES - Oct. '24

volume up . 1080p

special thanks to GRADO LABS in Brooklyn NY
for understanding how headphones
should be made

read more of Jim's blog posts here 

